A menudo se prefiere la lana de roca, que se usa ampliamente en la actualidad. Las lanas de roca, que tienen diferentes formas y estructuras, son materiales de construcción que se pueden producir en los tamaños y dimensiones deseados. El uso de lana de roca, que destaca por su funcionalidad gracias a su estructura y forma únicas, es muy importante en términos de salud y seguridad humana.
Aislamiento Lana De Roca Mineral
Rockwool is a volcanic rock basalt stone melted at 1350 oC-1400 C and turned into fiber is called stone wool. Basalt is a black and hard rock. As a result of the basalt stone being turned into fiber, it is pressed in desired dimensions and produced in the form of plates, pipes, etc. Stone wool provides sound, heat and fire insulation. Stone wool, with its unique texture and structure, is long-lasting and can be used for years without any problems. It is used in exterior insulation, roof insulation and ship industry. Stone wool prices are very economical and it is often preferred due to the comfort it provides.